Financial Investigation TIG Update, 22.02.22

Financial Investigation TIG Update, 22.02.22

On the 22nd of February the FI TIG Cryptocurrencies subgroup met. In this session the group focused on two cases.  

The first presentation was made by Mr. Kurt H.M. Caestecker from the Belgian Special Tax Inspectorate introducing the first case of financial investigation of NFTs in Belgium. He shared the rationale behind their choice of the case for investigation and their approach. 

The second presentation on ‘Money laundry with Fintech’ focused on the topic of a large public Fintech company in Germany, where he worked and participated in a whistle-blower group that have exposed the criminal financial activity of that company. The speaker shared the insights on such activities and what kind of crimes are being committed by a large group of these Fintech platforms. He also mentioned the company’s plans of creating its own cryptocurrency, as well as their own trading platform in the first quarter of 2022. 


  • Financial Investigations TIG


Wrapping Up ENLETS 2.0 in Tallinn
  • News

Wrapping Up ENLETS 2.0 in Tallinn

As we approach the end of ENLETS 2.0, the final meeting of this funding phase was held in Tallinn, Estonia, on the 25th and 26th of June 2024 at the Ministry of the Interior. During this meeting, members of the Green Policing TIG summarised activities and looked towards the future.

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