On June 14-15, the TIG Financial Investigation Subgroup Cryptocurrencies held its first physical meeting in Brussels. The majority of the 15 participants had never met in person. As a result, having a nice dinner on Monday evening to get to know each other better was extra special. The group included a good mix of experts and curious researchers.

On Tuesday, June 14, it began with a demonstration of chainalysis, a cryptocurrency investigation tool.

In the afternoon, the group divided into two working groups to discuss how the TIG can help European financial researchers investigate cryptocurrencies. As a result, the participants will create a framework on the internet where all types of topics related to cryptocurrencies can be found. As a result, it can aid financial investigators in their investigations.

On Wednesday, June 15, all participants shared the most recent cryptocurrency trends and research, laying the groundwork for a work division to create the cryptocurrencies framework.

We can look back on an extremely successful event.