Financial Investigation TIG Update, 20.04.22

Financial Investigation TIG Update, 20.04.22

On the 12th of April, the FI TIG Cryptocurrencies subgroup met again. During the online meeting, Mr Hugo Leijtens provided a demo session on how to do cryptocurrencies research.

The demonstration was based on a real-life case from his investigation and focused on a case where 2.8 million virtual coins were exchanged and transferred for 550 000 USDT. Mr Leijtens explained which tools to use in such an investigation and shared many useful tips with the group members.  

The FI TIG meeting on the topic of OSINT will be held during the joint ENFIN & ENLETS event on the 21st of April 2022 from 10:00-12:15 CET. On this date, ENFIN will organise its next ENFIN ‘On The Move’ session. During this joint trip, a stopover will be made in the Netherlands and in Norway. We found OSINT experts, from respectively the Norwegian Skatteetaten and the Dutch FIOD, willing to present and share their expertise and knowledge about OSINT. Moreover, there will be a short presentation about the activities of the ENLETS Internet Investigations TIG. 


  • Financial Investigations TIG


Wrapping Up ENLETS 2.0 in Tallinn
  • News

Wrapping Up ENLETS 2.0 in Tallinn

As we approach the end of ENLETS 2.0, the final meeting of this funding phase was held in Tallinn, Estonia, on the 25th and 26th of June 2024 at the Ministry of the Interior. During this meeting, members of the Green Policing TIG summarised activities and looked towards the future.

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