Financial Investigations TIG Update - Meeting in Brussels Overview

Financial Investigations TIG Update - Meeting in Brussels Overview

On June 14-15, the TIG Financial Investigation Subgroup Cryptocurrencies held its first physical meeting in Brussels. The majority of the 15 participants had never met in person. As a result, having a nice dinner on Monday evening to get to know each other better was extra special. The group included a good mix of experts and curious researchers.

On Tuesday, June 14, it began with a demonstration of chainalysis, a cryptocurrency investigation tool.

In the afternoon, the group divided into two working groups to discuss how the TIG can help European financial researchers investigate cryptocurrencies. As a result, the participants will create a framework on the internet where all types of topics related to cryptocurrencies can be found. As a result, it can aid financial investigators in their investigations.

On Wednesday, June 15, all participants shared the most recent cryptocurrency trends and research, laying the groundwork for a work division to create the cryptocurrencies framework.

We can look back on an extremely successful event.


  • Financial Investigations TIG


Wrapping Up ENLETS 2.0 in Tallinn
  • News

Wrapping Up ENLETS 2.0 in Tallinn

As we approach the end of ENLETS 2.0, the final meeting of this funding phase was held in Tallinn, Estonia, on the 25th and 26th of June 2024 at the Ministry of the Interior. During this meeting, members of the Green Policing TIG summarised activities and looked towards the future.

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